Saturday, 22 October 2011

It's the weekend! :)

I don't really have anything exciting planned for this weekend but as it's my last weekend off before I go back to work and then I have Monday off too (bonus!) I plan to enjoy it whatever I do. Tonight will be spent curled up on the sofa with some sweeties and my gorgeous man watching x-factor and then we have two whole days together to just chill before we both go back to work on Tuesday, I must say I'm really not looking forward to a 13 hour shift when I go back after having 16 days off! What are all your plans for the weekend? If you're watching x-factor, who's your favourite? Mine is Janet <3

1 comment:

  1. Hi, welcome to blogging! I'm a newbie too, only started last week. Things I've learned tho are: follow blogs that interest you, and leave comments if you can. Most people love comments and it gets you involved in the blogging community too! Make your blog individual; don't copy someone else. And have fun! Blog about what is exciting to you! Add photos, do reviews, do 'how to's, what ever floats your boat! <3

    ~ Lauren <3
